
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Olympic Logos

Today at Maths Mania! we learned about how logos can be made using 2D shapes.

We looked at the London 2012 logo and noticed that there were lots of 2D shapes hiding in it. Can you see any rhombuses, trapeziums, rectangles or triangles in this logo?

Look - here they are!

Once we knew how logos are made, we made some Olympic logos of our own. In our logos we made people participating in sporting events.

Mariam's swimmer

Mosaddeq's runner
Sani-e-Zahra's footballer
Azka and Jawad's sports people

Anindita's skipper

Maths Mania!

Today was Maths Mania! day at our school.

We all had a lot of fun and learned about different ways maths is used at The Olympics.

We started with Miss Reynolds and found 2D shapes hiding in the London 2012 logo before making our own sport logo.

Then we went to Mrs Brown's room where we found out how many times we could do somethings in a minute. We did lots of exercises like star jumps and stand-up-sit-down.

After recess we made paper plate discuses with Mrs Newton and competed to see who would win a gold medal for throwing it the greatest distance.

When we went to Mrs Hoperdietzel's activity we learned about symmetry had to find which country's flags are symmetrical and which ones are non-symmetrical.

Most of us had the most fun doing Mrs Brown's minute measurement activity.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Making Bread

Now that they know where bread came from 1RS got to be bakers and make two loaves of bread.
Here is their writing about what they did. (more photos to come)

I mix the bread. Sydney

I was making the bread. 1RS all had a turn. 1RS rolled the bread. Rafiah

All of us had a turn stirring it. Azka

I am pointing to the recipe to tell Miss that we are up to that step in the recipe. Anindita

We were squashing the bread. Alishba

I kneaded the bread. Saif-Eddine

Me and Anindita were looking at the recipe and Miss Reynolds was telling us what to do next. Miss Reynolds put the bread in the sun so it can rise. The dough did rise and Miss Reynolds put the dough in the oven. After lunchtime the bread was ready for 1RS to eat. Ragad

Our teacher cut the bread so we can put honey on the top. Mosaddeq

We ate the bread. It tasted yummy. The honey made it yummy. Ziad

We ate the bread with the honey. Sani-e-Zahra

I ate the bread. It was a little bit yucky. Manaf

Friday, 4 May 2012

How Bread is Made

Recently 1RS  have been reading books and watching online videos to find out about the process of making bread. Did you know that bread comes from wheat? 1RS can tell you all about it.

They have also been learning about how authors of factual texts use flow charts to help their audience understand the steps in a process.

Here are some of their flow charts showing how bread is made. Click on the photos to make them larger.

Here is a link to the video we got a lot of our information from - From Wheat to Bread

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

2D Shape Hunt

1RS went out into the playground hunting for 2D shapes. This is what we found...

A crinkly leaf that looked like a rhombus.

There are trapeziums in the shade cloth.

The drain in the COLA is made up of rhombuses.

The bridge between the buildings has lots of triangles.

Kindergarten had used triangles in their Harmony Day poster.

This garden near our classroom is a trapezium.

There are lots of squares and triangles on the buildings.

And, after looking and looking and worrying that we would never find one, we finally found a hexagon on the office door!

Friday, 13 April 2012


Welcome to 1RS' blog of learning in our classroom!